Pizza Palooza Helps Raise Scholarship Funds
Join the fun at 5:00 p.m. on May 7th

May 7, 2019
One of the annual highlights of the school year is finally back on Tuesday, May 7th. The Scituate Pizza Palooza will take place in the high school gym from 5-7 p.m. Students, teachers and all members of the community are welcome to join the event, which is put on by the Entertainment and Event Marketing class at Scituate High School. Ross Maki’s class has been organizing this year’s Pizza Palooza for several months. They have gathered a variety of local vendors, including Maria’s, Harbor House, Blue Moon, Cohasset House of Pizza, The Village Market, Crust, and the Cask n Flagon.
Entry to Pizza Palooza is $10 per person and $8 for students. A family can pay $25 altogether to get in the door for unlimited slices of pizza and desserts such as Nona’s ice cream. All of the proceeds go toward scholarships for the graduating seniors as well as the DECA club.
Everyone who attends this year’s palooza is eligible to vote on the best pizza. There will also be celebrity judges at the event, so be sure to stop by and see Principal Wargo, Officer Arseneau, the Scituate Fire Chief John Murphy, and even the Selfie Kid!
Entertainment and Event Marketing student and SHS sophomore Jane Feeney said she has been promoting the event around town, and it is also posted in the Scituate Mariner.