Ping Pong Battles Prevail at SHS–But When Should the Game End?

SHS seniors battle for points during the daily ping pong matches in the Senior Cafe

Reid Fulton and Jakob Henderson

The debate over a ping pong game may seem trivial—but if you’ve ever walked into the SHS Senior Cafe during lunch, you’ll immediately understand why this argument is so heated. Ever since the 2019 introduction of the ping pong table to this sacred senior space, senior lunches have become action-packed. 

The line to get onto the table and participate in a game may take the entire lunch for eager players! This problem has bounced a controversial game rule into play: Should students play to seven or to eleven points? The Senior Cafe has been overtaken by the competitiveness of ping pong matches to the point where, for many, lunch is seen as a time to “run the table” rather than eat their food.

When games are played to seven points, it minimizes the chances for comebacks–and it limits the full potential of a brawl. One consensus-seeking senior suggested playing games to nine points, but this idea was shut down immediately during a recent ping pong lunch match:

“The ‘Behind the Back’ Master,” Joseph Masuret, said, “The number of times that I have missed the opportunity to indulge in an intense ping pong match due to long and drawn out matches is obscured. I just want to play a game, Man!”

“The Notorious Ping-Ponger,” John James,  added, “During lunch, games should go to seven–when you have all these people waiting to get on the table and games going to eleven, it just takes way too long. Also, four points may not seem like quite a lot, but after a couple of games, it adds up quickly.”

“Hot-Take-Tolton,” Jimmy Tolton, came out of left field with his comment: “I like games to 11.” When asked to explain, he refused.  

“Net-Hitting-Demon,” Matthew Seghezzi, responded, “I can’t stand it when games go to 11. I want to get in there and compete. I don’t  like waiting, and people have slow play styles.” 

The “After-School Paddle Menace,” Jesse Rees, commented, “I do not play during lunch because the games are too long. I like to focus on eating my food. After school is a different story. I like some intense battles after school.”

“Tenacious-Teagen,” Teagen Pratt, said,  “Seven. It’s got to be seven. So I have time to devour my lunch and then devour my opponent.” 

“Score Manipulating Gary,” Kieran Brenner, added, “It doesn’t matter if the game is to 7 or 11, I’m still gonna win!”

Through further research and questioning, we found that it’s a completely different story during studies. When you have the whole block to play, it makes sense for games to go to eleven. The majority of interviewed seniors believed that games to 7 benefit the majority of the competitors. Although it is not able to be enforced, we kindly encourage lunch games to be played to seven.