5 Gifts to Give Your Loved One Other Than a Heart Necklace

A drink or treat from Starbucks is always a nice touch on Valentine’s Day

The anxieties and connotations around gift-giving during Valentine’s Day can be nerve racking and expensive, so we’re here to steer you in the right direction, and we’re confident your loved ones will appreciate a notable difference!

Sadly, a public service announcement needs to be produced sending a universal message: no one wants a heart-shaped necklace on Valentine’s Day. Indeed, it is the thought that counts–but why not hit it out of the park this year with your thoughtfulness? You don’t have to blow your bank account, either. In Scituate Harbor alone, a stroll down main street will never do you wrong. With many shops, this year’s gifts will secure a special spot in your loved one’s heart. 

In the golden rule of gift giving itself, we have created a cumulative list of “must not buys” for a loved one:

  1. A vacuum
  2. An air fryer–or really, any small appliance
  3. Edible arrangement 
  4. A candle
  5. Fuzzy socks

In terms of expressing love and appreciation for the people around you, we sincerely advise you against household items, scented candles, or a chocolate covered cantaloupe. (People just eat them for the chocolate, right?) With a trip down to Scituate’s main drag, the options are sure to accommodate anyone’s enjoyment. 

New to Scituate is the beautiful “Salt Cave.” With raving reviews of the immersive experience within “30,000 pounds of glowing pink salt sourced straight from the Himalayas,” Salt Cave offers a variety of services from ionic foot baths to yoga. The storefront is packed with beautifully sourced goods–from self-care products to their classic crystal collection. A salt and breathe yoga class would be the perfect present for self-care, for only $40 per hour.

A few doors down, you’ll find the notorious Welch Company. Stocked full with local, high quality goods, the Welch Company has gorgeous,  decorative must-haves. From hand-knit mittens to stunning serving trays–you’re bound to strike gold with one of the long-time gems of Scituate.

Sticking with the classics can never go wrong. Simple flowers from shops like The Village Market or Flowers & Festivities are a gift that you can afford to budget on. Local shops like Hennessy News and Village Market carry a variety of delicious treats that speak to every taste bud.

Every girl loves to have her nails done, and a gift card from Natural Nails, located next to Dribbles, will surely spark that happiness. Whether you get her flowers and a nail salon gift card, the thought and courage it takes for a guy to walk into a nail salon alone is just enough to make a girl smile. Along with having a gift card to get her nails done, why don’t you purchase a ring to go along with her lovely new nails? Native is located just across the street from Natural Nails. Native focusses on many cultural pieces that truly catch the eye. In the back you’ll find many different sizes, colors, and shapes of rings that are waiting to be purchased. 

To speak truthfully, love does not have to be expressed materialistically. Consider purchasing an experience gift, which doesn’t have to be as intimidating as shopping for an item. Getting a gift is truly about doing or getting something that is perfect for your special someone.

Steering away from the Harbor, there is not a single girl who doesn’t crave the classic strawberry acai lemonade refresher from Starbucks. Grabbing favorite candies or drinks is another thoughtful way to express your affection.

Despite its intimidating reputation, Valentine’s Day is actually very simple–it really is the thought that counts. Every student would love a nice gift, but what’s really special is knowing someone special is putting forth an effort to make you smile.