Aurora Avallone Continues to Give Back
SHS Senior is Committed to Community
Aurora Avallone’s grandmother taught her to sew. She also gave Aurora her first sewing machine when she was a teenager.
May 19, 2020
Missing the last few months of this high school year has been genuinely upsetting to many students, especially those in the senior class. Having to stay at home alone while they should be enjoying the time all together is unfortunate. Aurora Avallone, a graduating senior, is upset, but she has decided to spend her time productively and give back to the community by sewing face masks for frontline healthcare workers.
So far, Avallone has made close to 500 masks, and her goal is to complete 1000 to give back to the community. She recognizes her “ambitious goal” but works every day to achieve it. Avallone said she wants to spend her “idle time” doing something productive, and she is inspired by her family, which includes many healthcare workers.
Pre-quarantine, Avallone was an active member of many SHS clubs and community groups. She is currently the president of Best Buddies–the largest club at the high school–and was previously vice president during both her sophomore and junior year. Being a “best buddy 24/7” with her sister Athena, she wanted to promote inclusion and positivity in school and help the club continue to grow. Avallone is also president of the American Sign Language Club, which helps support inclusiveness and accessibility at SHS. When Avallone was little, she learned ASL to help communicate with her sister, and although she isn’t an expert, the knowledge she has helps other members of the club learn the language.
Avallone has also been a member of numerous other groups at the high school, including Drama Club, Debate Team, Math Team, Community Service Club, and the band and chorus.
She stays busy outside of SHS being a Special Olympics track and field coach, a Girl Scout, a member of a crew team, and she was a Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary youth chairholder on their advisory committee. As a senior Girl Scout, Avallone is tasked with brainstorming and implementing a project to help her community. Her Gold Award project has been building a greenhouse at SHS, but due to COVID-19, that has been postponed.
Avallone’s commitment to the community was recognized this year, as she was nominated for the prestigious Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen Award by the SHS community. The award recognizes those who possess incredible leadership and service qualities. Although they were unable to hold the award ceremony, Avallone still recognizes the honor and is grateful for it.
In the fall, Avallone will be attending Harvard University in Cambridge, MA, where she plans to focus on science, as she has always been passionate about environmental science. She also has an interest in communications and business.