Seniors Reflect on Their Most Memorable Courses at SHS

Phoebe Swetish, Staff Writer

With the first wave of college acceptance letters delivered, SHS seniors have started reflecting on their high school experience. Many memories were made in these four years, and many of them took place in school. We’ve all sat through classes where we count down the minutes till the bell rings, but the most memorable times are when you don’t catch yourself looking at the clock once. In an attempt to discover which courses at Scituate High School are the most enjoyable, I interviewed current seniors who are approaching graduation in the spring.

Ornithology, a popular course taught by Steve Maguire, was highly recommended by senior Maggie Ayers. Maguire’s passion and enthusiasm create a stimulating environment for students, making it a very interesting class. The room has a relaxing feel with minimal pressure. Ayers remarked this class “made the rest of the school day so much more tolerable.” Maguire also leads his students off-campus to take part in offsites where students can birdwatch throughout their local community. According to Ayers, the class “stood out because it was unlike any classes [she’d] taken before, grades didn’t matter too much–participation and effort were what actually mattered.” Ayers would recommend this class to anyone–especially students who drive to school since they would have easier access to the offsites.

For freshmen, taking history with Mike Matisoff is guaranteed to be an enjoyable experience. Recommended by senior Sarah Siciliano as her favorite class at SHS, she remarked, “It was made absolutely unforgettable for me.” Siciliano emphasized Matisoff’s supportive teaching style that helped the course stay engaging and fun. In fact, Siciliano said the class “steered [her] in the direction of what [she] wants to do in college because of how much [she] resonated with the material.” Siciliano will never forget the class and the lessons it taught her.

For anyone with a nose for stories, Intro to Journalism with Kate Harwood is the perfect gateway into the world of journalism. Offered to all grades, Megan Schneider recommends this class to everyone. Schneider reflected on the course, saying, “[Mrs. Harwood] gave us the freedom to do assignments based on our interests instead of assigning set topics for everyone.” As a freshman, this course is one where you do a lot of independent work, which might be appealing to those coming from Gates. Megan would recommend this class to those who have a special interest in writing or journalism.

Students at SHS are lucky to be offered a wide variety of classes. It is not hard to find a course where you feel in your element. With dedicated teachers who are willing to go above and beyond to create an engaging class, seniors are left with a good understanding of their interests as they start their own life in the real world.