Sorina Condon Places 1st in Mental Health Art Competition

SHS junior is featured during WCVB-TV news segment

Sorina Condon’s art expresses her passion for mental health awareness

Molly Ryan, Co-Editor-in-Chief

In this era of mental health awareness, SHS junior Sorina Condon uses art to display the importance of self-identity to break the stigma around mental wellbeing. The Massachusetts Association of Mental Health recently held a mental health art competition where Condon placed 1st out of over 100 contestants, earning $250 and an interview on WCVB-TV.

After finishing her altered self-portrait about mental health, Condon was introduced to the competition by SHS art teacher Julie Hickey. Inspired by both body and face-altering apps like Facetune, Condon said she wanted to bring awareness to the “detrimental effect that the media can have on teens’ perception of themselves.”  In her piece, Condon displays her side profile, which she said she is “most insecure about” and juxtaposes her own diverse identity to images of idolized women in the media. 

While this is the first competition Condon has entered, she has been passionate about art and creativity since she was young. Specifically, Condon enjoys expressing herself through fashion and plans to study the fashion industry as a potential college major. Condon explained, “I wasn’t afraid to express myself through my clothes while growing up,” and she urges others to “put on what makes you feel good and fits you as it should, to truly be happy.” 

Throughout quarantine, Condon experimented with different art techniques, especially collages and sculptures. Her collages consisted of a diverse range of people to stray away from the norms of what the media displays.

When Condon heard that Boston television station WCVB-TV was interested in interviewing her, she thought her art might be featured in a story. To her shock, Condon said she “felt like a Kardashian” when the ABC affiliate news van pulled up to her house. News anchor Erika Tarantal asked Condon to share some of her sketchbooks and interviewed Condon at Minot Beach for the story. The resulting two-minute-long segment, which aired during several newscasts, highlights Condon’s artwork, includes words of praise from the CEO of the competition, Danna Mauch, and features Condon’s voice as she expresses her passion for mental health awareness.

As a part of the nonprofit organization Bring Change to Mind Club, Condon is an advocate for mental health awareness. Her goal is to normalize mental health issues, especially for young people. “I hope we as a society can get to the point where people feel open enough to receive the help they not only may need but deserve.”

The May 19th news segment featuring Condon is available online: