Superintendent Search Completed: A Follow-Up With Education Leaders
SHS education leaders are excited about the incoming arrival of Superintendent Ron Griffin. Photo courtesy of Scituation staff.
May 31, 2017
At last, the search for the next superintendent of Scituate Public Schools has concluded. During their meeting on Monday, April 24th, the Scituate School Committee announced Superintendent John McCarthy’s successor will be Ron Griffin, the current Deputy Director of Foxborough Charter Schools. His position in Foxborough is similar to that of an assistant superintendent.
In speaking with members of the Superintendent Search Committee, the excitement surrounding Griffin’s appointment was palpable. “I am looking forward to working with Mr. Griffin because of his enthusiasm for learning,” said Gates Principal Ryan Lynch. Lynch said he appreciated the passion for learning that Griffin shared during his interviews, public meetings, and official school tours.
Coming from a charter school system, Griffin will bring new and different experiences to Scituate Public Schools, said Scituate High School Principal Robert Wargo. These unique experiences “can be brought to Scituate to make it an even better school system,” he concluded. Wargo served as a member of the Superintendent Search Committee.
SHS senior Christina Pelletier attended Griffin’s public interview and shared Lynch’s opinions. She observed how Griffin “genuinely cares” about his colleagues and is dedicated to providing students with the best education possible. During a recent interview with Griffin, which was held in Foxborough, Pelletier noted the exceptional visibility Griffin enjoys with his students and staff. “Everyone was high-fiving with him and asking him for advice,” said Pelletier.
When The Scituation last spoke with the town’s education leaders, they each had different goals and priorities they hoped the new superintendent would pursue. Wampatuck Principal Linda Whitney described how Griffin’s “dynamic demeanor” will be especially advantageous as he addresses the specific needs of the elementary schools, which include introducing more resources for students with special needs, as well as physical improvements to the school buildings. At the high school level, senior class president Cam Blanks believes there are Title IX issues in Scituate that need attention. “The discrepancy of fund distribution between sports is a problem,” he said.
Other challenges ahead for Griffin’s administrative team include instituting a seamless transition for middle school students and staff into a new, modern school building, and aligning the entire sixth grade with the middle school model. World Language Department Chair Kate Ciulla feels confident in Griffin’s experience with implementing world languages into elementary schools. Ciulla hopes Griffin “will help Scituate Public Schools move toward offering world languages to some of our younger grade levels.”
With so many important transitions ahead for Scituate Public Schools, Principal Wargo stressed the importance of good communication and offered a bit of advice for Griffin: ¨Go slow.”