Falsely Advertised Flat Earth Club
Photo of a Flat Earth Club sign that could be seen around Scituate High School. Photo courtesy of Max Bates
January 2, 2018
Over the past few weeks in the school, mysterious posters about the “Flat Earth Club” have been showing up at every corner and exit. These posters confused many students and brought up questions among the school. Whether it was the obscure club, the unspecific times for meetings, or the room that does not exist, people wanted answers. Some thought this was a joke, or maybe a light-hearted prank pulled by seniors. Other students were interested to find out if this club really does exist. SHS senior Mark Falvey said it is “a club for flat Earth people, who think the Earth is flat.” He proceeded to say the Earth “is definitely round.”
SHS seniors have different thoughts about this club. Some say they knew it was a joke, while others thought it would be a cool club to add to Scituate High. Madi Donahue stated, “I would be interested to hear their ideas as to why they think that the Earth is flat,” adding, “I would want to see who is leading it.” Senior Jack Forsythe replied, “I would be interested in attending a meeting of the club.” It seems that students may be interested in attending this club for different reasons. Some say it’s for the founders; others say for the ideas they bring up, and some are interested to see if it even exists.
The Scituation reached out to Celtics basketball player and known “flat-Earther” Kyrie Irving for a comment. We are still waiting for a response.
In the meantime, the SHS administration is doing its best to take down all of the Flat Earth Club flyers, as it is assumed to be a fake club and a prank.