8th Grade Student Wins Tickets to Reputation Tour
8th Grade Student Wins Tickets to Taylor Swift’s July 26th concert at Gillette Stadium
Erika Houghton-Steidle learned she won tickets to Taylor Swift’s July concert while she was in art class
May 11, 2018
To raise money for their annual graduation publication, The Scituation staff decided to launch a raffle. The raffle included two tickets to Taylor Swift’s new tour, “Reputation,” t-shirts, posters, and a CD. With the exception of the CD, all the raffle items were donated by Taylor Swift. Students sold tickets during lunch periods at both the middle school and the high school. Tickets were also sold during the recent Pizza Palooza, which was held at Scituate High School on Wednesday, May 2nd.
The raffle winner was drawn on Friday, May 11th, and the lucky recipient was Erika Houghton-Steidle, an 8th grade student at Gates Middle School. The Scituation staff members surprised Houghton-Steidle when they presented her with the prize basket during her art class.
The raffle raised close to $400, which will help defray the cost of printing the 48-page 2018 graduation edition of The Scituation, “Once a Sailor, Always a Sailor,” which will be distributed during the graduation ceremonies on June 1st.