Emma Chisholm Gives Back to the Scituate Community

Kelly Granatino, Co-Editor-in-Chief

Scituate Community Christmas was founded in 1989 by Scituate resident Susan Phippen as a “non-profit, volunteer-driven organization dedicated to supporting Scituate families and individuals during times of hardship at Christmastime and throughout the year.” 

Though Scituate Community Christmas at the Susan Phippen House is busiest during the holiday season, it provides services and assistance year-round. Scituate Community Christmas collects gifts, gift cards, and cash donations from the community to “Help ensure every child experiences the magic of the season in honor of [the] founder Susan Phippen.” Scituate Community Christmas also has resources on their website to apply for holiday assistance or for yourself or someone else. 

This holiday season, SHS freshman Emma Chisholm has helped Scituate Community Christmas by creating a “Teen Wish List” with perfect gifts curated for Scituate Community Christmas’s “Big Give Campaign.”

Emma Chisholm is currently an in-patient at Boston Children’s Hospital awaiting a heart transplant. Though she is battling a struggle of her own, Chisholm is determined to help others, especially during the holiday season. To support Emma’s efforts please refer to her SCC Teen Wishlist Ideas to purchase and donate gifts.