After her shocking departure from the third season of American Idol, the show’s producers are now considering Jennifer Hudson as one of the new and upcoming judges of Season 13. Set to air January of 2014, the infamous reality television show is searching for a new panel of judges after the desertion of the Season 12 judges including Randy Jackson, Mariah Carey, Keith Urban, and Nicki Minaj.
Idol viewers surprisingly voted Jennifer Hudson off of American Idol during the show’s third season airing in 2004 despite her powerful voice. Two years after in 2006, Hudson stepped out of the realm of music and ventured into acting. She won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress in Dreamgirls along with numerous other awards including a Golden Globe Award.
Hudson won a Grammy Award for her debut album Jennifer Hudson, which was released in 2008, and sold more than one million copies worldwide. Her second album I Remember Me was released in March 2011, and reached number two on the Billboard 200.
Randy Jackson is the only judge from Season 12 of American Idol who is confirmed to not be returning next season, but all of the other judges are not expected return either. An alumni season is anticipated for Season 13, where former contestants return to the show and judge the hopeful singers that hope to fulfill their dreams. Also in the running to become judges are Clay Aiken and Adam Lambert, from Seasons 2 and 8 respectively.
The new judges for each season are normally shared with the public in September when auditions start. According to Billboard magazine, Hudson is currently in negotiations to fill one of the seats on the new panel although neither Hudson nor Fox Broadcasting Company, the company who runs American Idol on television, have not commented on her status.
Hudson’s credentials exceed the limits of a person ready to become a judge on American Idol, and in regards to Hudson’s potential on the panel of the reality show sophomore Annie Bonner said, “She has the voice of an angel. If she becomes a judge, she can tell if other people people have angelic voices too.”
Hudson also has an inspiring weight loss story that has influenced thousands of people to become healthier. While speaking of Hudson, junior Brittany Doherty immediately said, “Isn’t she the one who does a lot of stuff with Weight Watchers?”
Surrounding Hudson being considered as a new judge on American Idol, Doherty also said, “They go through so many judges on that show. But I think Jennifer Hudson would be a good candidate because of her amazing voice and inspirational weight loss story”.
Hudson’s incredible voice, previous appearance on the reality show, and uplifting story about her weight loss make her the perfect competitor to become a new judge on Season 13 of American Idol. Her success in the entertainment industry is proof of her reliability to become a new judge, and her past experiences will aid her in critiquing contestants while still showing compassion.