FridysForFuture brings the student voice to climate crisis
On Friday, March 20, Cleo Belber, Nadia Belber, and Maeve Lawler (left to right) joined the #ClimateStrikeOnline
March 21, 2020
Every Friday young people around the globe participate in one of the largest protests against governments and businesses by striking and demanding action to address the climate crisis. The backbone of these strikes is the Environmental Conservation Organization, FridaysforFuture.
Sparking the power of this organization is the highly influential figure, Greta Thunberg, who began skipping school on Fridays to bring awareness to the Swedish government and the world about the gravity of the climate crisis.
However, the Coronavirus pandemic has limited thousands of youth from striking on Fridays. Instead of taking to the street, FridaysforFuture has moved to the digital world. People can still partake in the weekly protests by posting or sharing a photo of them striking with a sign, using the #ClimateStrikeOnline.
Despite the world’s fragile state in the heat of the Coronavirus, it is still vital for governments, businesses, and leaders to be held accountable for their actions in regards to climate change.
While most of us sit at home with a wealth of free time, we can utilize some of this time to make a positive impact on the community and the world.
We are all aware of the climate crisis, but we often lose sight of how much of a crisis this is, as we are consumed in our busy schedules and fast-moving lives. It is critical to use this time to allow ourselves to see how this issue will impact our homes, our lives, and our world in the future. More importantly, we need to use this time to understand how this issue is impacting our lives now.
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is made up of 1,300 scientists from around the globe, the net effects of climate change will be significant and increase over time. The detrimental impacts of climate change are extensive: dramatic temperature rise, lengthening frost-free seasons, varying precipitation patterns, increasing droughts, sea-levels rising by 1-4 feet, and stronger storms and hurricanes.
A drastically changing climate poses a risk to everyone’s health, as new diseases and viruses can develop. Although the Coronavirus epidemic caught us all by surprise, the epidemic caused by climate change does not need to catch us off guard. Citizens, governments, and businesses have the power to protect and prevent future devastation by generating innovative solutions.
As young students, we can take a small step by joining the FridaysforFuture digital movement. On Friday, March 20th, I joined the movement with SHS junior Cleo Belber and sophomore Nadia Belber. You can do the same. It’s simple–make a sign, take a picture, and share it. Use the power and time you have for the betterment of our society.