We Made it: 2020 Edition

January 5, 2021
This year has been one that won’t be forgotten in the worst way possible. 2020 brought us a worldwide pandemic that altered our perceptions and way of life. COVID-19 has put a stop to our lives, trapped us in our houses for months, and struck us with fear of a deadly virus freely roaming the world. We have all gone through it and adapted to new guidelines, remained socially distanced, and put our social lives’ on pause.
Zoom is the real savior of the year and has become our new (and sometimes the only) communication outlet. Online video calls and chat boxes have saved some forms of normalcy and social interaction. But we can all agree that this alternative is underwhelming compared to real-life interactions that we haven’t seen since 2019.
Despite all the negativity of 2020, there is a positive–it’s over! When the ball dropped, the world population celebrated a little more passionately, as the new year marks the end of 2020 and sparks hope for new beginnings in 2021.
We have a lot to look forward to in this upcoming year, as we slowly begin to return to forms of normalcy within our lives. The vaccine is becoming available, which in itself is a step in the right direction!
2020 taught us to be grateful and appreciative of our loved ones and the lives that we have the privilege to live every day. It showed us the value of reflection and personal sacrifice for the greater good of society. The past months have created learning opportunities that allow us to realize truth and meaning within the good of our lives.
As we head into the new year, we should use our experiences for growth and appreciation for our lives, health, and safety!