Before WINN Block, there was H-Block, a chaotic, confusing, stressful time for some–especially the staff. Students were never where they were supposed to be, trouble was happening around every corner, and a questionable amount of extra help was being completed.
Now that H-Block has been replaced by “WINN Block,” two seniors shared their feedback:
When asked how WINN Block differs from H-Block, senior Kendall Zarycki responded, “Personally, I think it’s pretty similar to H-Block. I don’t really understand why we decided to change H-Block’s name because it’s honestly the same thing–I mean, except for the fact that WINN block stands for ‘What I Need Now.’”
Zarycki said she uses the 28-minute WINN Block for different purposes, depending on her daily workload: “I do like to use WINN block to complete any missing assignments or tests or talk to my teachers if I’m confused on a certain thing, but other days I will just use the time to breathe and relax on my phone or talk to my friends,” she explained.
Senior Mia Cerussi has noticed a difference from the previous H-block, commenting on the new administration’s emphasis on attendance and focused activities. She said, “I feel like it’s the same, but it seems as though WINN Block has more restrictions than H-Block previously had.” Nevertheless, Cerussi said she enjoys using the time to socialize and relax: “I use it to do work only when I absolutely need to–like if I have a big exam coming up or if I am falling behind in a certain class, but I mainly just hang out with my friends.”