Brandon Hagen, Opinion & Editorials Editor
Brandon Hagen is as well rounded as a marble. When he’s not playing, performing, or recording with one of his three musical acts, he can be found on the ski slopes, hiking treacherous ravines, or wading through the Atlantic like a graceful dolphin. An avid user of humor you can find him never making any jokes. He frequents many local Boston music performances, and has immersed himself in the Boston area’s vibrant music scene. But aside from jokes and music he is also a compassionate young lad. A two year veteran of Appalachia Service Project as well as a volunteer guitar teacher, Brandon’s heart is as big as the Grinch’s is small. But he also has his opinions and will be quite vocal with them. Which is fitting as he is the editor of the Editorial/Opinion section of the Scituation. Overall he’s a great guy, talk to him sometime and he’ll crack a joke, play a song, volunteer his time, and tell you all the reasons you’re wrong and he’s right.