Nicole Grace, Co-Features Editor
Senior Nicole Grace is among the new members of the Scituation staff with the position of Co-Features Editor and staff writer. As Nicole is looking to major in English, and specifically to focus in writing, being a part of the Scituation was a big goal for Nicole as she entered her senior year. Nicole is taking part in a rigorous set of AP courses this year as she is preparing herself for the courses she will take in college. Apart from writing, however Nicole is a dedicated athlete and musician. She has been a part of the Scituate High School girl’s soccer program all four years, but this year is the first year in which she is on the Varsity team as one of two goalies. Nicole is not looking to play a varsity sport in college, but she is hoping to continue playing soccer on a club team wherever she attends. Aside from playing soccer, Nicole also spends her time improving her musical understanding and ability as she plays the baritone saxaphone in the Scituate High School Symphonic Band. Starting in fourth grade, Nicole has followed through with her passion for music, and she is also keeping her options open in regards to being a part of a college music group. Nicole was inducted into the National Honor Society last year, along with the Spanish National Honor Society her sophomore year. Nicole is hoping to end her senior year strongly so that her transition from high school to college can be as seamless as possible.