The Scituate High School Drama Club has been working hard the past few weeks on the three act play You Can’t Take It With You. The play features the story of Alice Sycamore, played by senior Rachael Gaughan, and Tony Kirby, played by sophomore Jack Duff, a couple living in the 1930s. Despite Alice and Tony’s strong love, they find it difficult to make it work due to their families’ undeniable differences; differences that spark conflict. Alice’s grandfather, Martin Vanderhof (played by senior Andrew Lemieux), keeps his family happy by refusing to pay his income tax. Tony’s father (played by senior Tyler Trudeau), however, threatens to absorb Alice into the world of wealth and business. The play explores the value of family and asks the ultimate question: can money truly buy happiness?
Senior Bridget Wood plays Gay Wellington, a drunken actress in the play and is “loving it.”
Wood said, “I’m so excited for this year; we have so many new faces in drama. I’ve been doing it since my freshman year, and it’s been amazing to see the talent that has passed through the group. It’s just such a great group of people to be around and to be able to work with. I’m so excited for our upcoming performances, and hope everyone comes to see it!”
While the actors show the final product on stage, there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes. Stage managers, lighting specialists, crew, and many other roles are all what make up the behind the scenes work. Senior Kaya Stewart has been a member of the drama club for some time and is now part of the crew doing makeup and hair. Stewart comments that the makeup and hair will be “really fun to do” and is “really excited to work on it.” Besides hair and makeup, there are many other things to do behind stage such as set building, lights and stage managing.
Drama club plans on putting on the whole play, all three acts, on Friday, Nov. 18 and Saturday the 19. They will then collectively decide which act out of the three acts to use as their festival piece. Whichever act they choose, it seems that the drama club is full of talent and ready to embark on another fabulous year. The play is directed by History teacher, Ms. Fanelli and produced by thespian society advisor and SHS English teacher Mr. Beattie.