At Scituate High School, “swagger” is spelt H-A-R-R-Y. Harry Berton lives everyday with a positive attitude starting with “an uneventful day” at school. Berton is an ideal student taking both AP and Honors classes. He is a hard worker that has always proven to be successful at Scituate High School, but there is more to this kid than just brains.
Berton is a natural athlete, as shown through a long career of multiple sports. Here at Scituate he is a part of two very successful teams. In the fall Berton plays on the soccer team, and plays tennis in the spring. Before he came to the high school he was a part of the famed travel basketball team, “the Dirty Dozen.”
However, even with pure talent in the classroom and on the field, he is still just a human being. Although most girls view Berton as a golden god, he is just like you and me. The average day for Berton includes school, homework, television, and playing FIFA 12 on his Xbox 360: “If it’s a good day I might go get Chipotle,” said Berton on his day to day life.
But where does this Renaissance man draw inspiration from? He paused and thought about whom his biggest role model is, and finally stated Tim Tebow. The famous quarterback showed Berton that even if the world is against you, you can still be successful. “He is just pure,” as Berton put it himself. However ,Berton is a regular Tim Tebow himself, with many fans here at SHS.
Longtime friend and tennis teammate, senior David Antos believes he is an inspiration to all because “he likes to go ‘ched’ [the fancy shot of a soccer ball] and he gets all his work in on time,” said Antos.
Berton plans to go to college and then get a good job, however “it’s all up in the air right now.” Wherever Berton ends up he will do great things and be successful.